Regular Call for Semester 25B
Semester Information
Semester start of observing | 2025-08-02 00:00 UT |
Semester end of observing | 2026-02-02 00:00 UT |
Queue | PI Science |
Call for proposals closing date | 2025-03-29 00:00 UT |
The East Asian Observatory invites observing proposals with Principal Investigators (PIs) from Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, or from universities in the UK and Ireland that contribute to JCMT funding, or from the Expanding Partner Program regions (Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Brazil, and Argentina). All prospective PIs should review the JCMT eligibility requirements page prior to the preparation and submission of a proposal.
PI requests are limited to a maximum of 200 hours; each PI proposal should aim to be completed during the semester.
- The Time Allocation Committee (TAC) for JCMT will assess each PI proposal for scientific merit and will rank and approve observing time accordingly.
- Multi-national collaborations are encouraged — time will be distributed following the rules for collaborative projects.
- Projects which request the heterodyne instruments and/or weather bands 4 and 5 are encouraged.
- Anyone who submits a proposal to the JCMT should expect to be called upon to review one or two of the other proposals received in the same round. The continued co-operation of our user community in the review process is appreciated.
Important Notes
- Expanding Partner Program (EPP): PIs from Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Brazil and Argentina are welcome to apply for a limited amount of time (<9 hours per program; this time constraint is not applied in weather band 5 time). Completion of any science program awarded time is not guaranteed. Approval reliant upon the program being technically feasible, without clashing with existing proprietary data. Data collection is dependent on weather/instrument/queue pressures with adjustments in line with recommendations by the TAC. Under the EPP priority will be given to new users of the JCMT.
- Applicants from the University of Hawaii have a separate application process and may have a different deadline.
Available Instruments
- The ʻŪʻū (230 GHz) receiver of the Nāmakanui instrument
- The ʻĀweoweo (345 GHz) receiver of the Nāmakanui instrument, available on a “shared risk” basis (see below) for 345 GHz science.
The heterodyne backend, ACSIS, provides great flexibility in bandwidth and resolution. Various modes of observing are available for all associated heterodyne receivers.
Content of Proposal
Proposal authors are expected to provide separately both a Scientific and a Technical Justification for their proposed observations. These justifications should be substantiated by results from the JCMT integration time calculators to show that the proposed observations will reach the necessary noise limits for the proposed science goals. The calculators are integrated into the proposal submission system, and should be used to save the calculation(s) for their inclusion in the proposal.
Overheads for pointing, focusing, and calibrations should not be added to the time request. These activities will be accounted for separately. Calibration observations (e.g. focus, pointing, flux calibrators) and other unavoidable overheads (e.g. receiver tuning) are not charged to science projects and instead are charged to an Observatory accounting code. There is therefore no need for applicants to provide calibration overhead estimates in their proposals. The Observatory will perform regular and appropriate calibration observations to ensure that all science data obtained are sensibly calibrated.
- Spectroscopically, this involves observations of one of the JCMT spectral line standards at one of about ten different line frequencies. If the target observing frequency is one of these, then the proposers are in luck. In any case, the calibration allows the proposers to assess the performance of the instrument. Such an observation will be performed at least once per program unless a previous calibration is still appropriate, and more often if circumstances change or if more than a couple of hours pass.
- For continuum work, calibrators will be observed at both operational wavelengths of SCUBA-2 (450µm, 850µm) at appropriate times and airmasses to meet the general needs of the science program.
If a proposal demands more unusual or more frequent calibrations then this needs to be clearly stated in the proposal and the time for these calibrations requested explicitly. For queries about what the default calibrations might be, or what extra overheads are generated by a project’s calibration requirements, please consult JCMT staff.
Previous Proposals
The proposers should provide information on any previous successful (or otherwise) JCMT proposals, including any papers published as a result or the status of the project. The success of previous projects can be taken into account when awarding time, so it is in the proposers’ interests to provide full information on this. A section is included within the proposal submission system for this information.
Data Available from the Archive and Large Programs
All proposers are expected to check that there are no preexisting public data that meet the proposal’s science needs, or conflicting large programs, before submitting a proposal. A clash tool is available to aid in this, which can be used to search for potential “clashes” between the proposed objects and available data sets. It also provides a link to an archive search for each target position.
It is the proposers’ responsibility to ensure that sufficient explanation is included as to why any matching data does not meet the project’s needs — e.g. because it does not reach sufficient depth, or because is not at the right frequency, or because the observations were not of sufficient quality.
Flexible Scheduling
The overall philosophy of observing at JCMT is to match observing programs to the weather — see the Flexible Observing Guidelines page for more information. JCMT observations are conducted remotely on behalf of the proposers, in accordance with EAO flexible observing guidelines.
Continuation Requests
Proposals that were granted time in previous semesters but not completed can be resubmitted as Continuations Requests to facilitate the resubmission process. The proposers should describe any updates regarding observations since the initial proposal’s approval, and update the requested time accordingly. The continuation request options are directed towards programs that do not require changes in the proposal justification. If your proposal needs to update the Scientific Justification or the proposal had major changes since the last submission, the proposers should Copy the proposal instead of Continuation Request option.
Further Questions
For any remaining further questions, please use the “Contact us” link at the bottom of any page of the proposal submission system.
Available Queues
The following queues have open calls for this semester. Please select a queue to start a new proposal.
PI Science
Call for proposals opens | 2025-02-22 03:00 UT |
Call for proposals closes | 2025-03-29 00:00 UT |
Create a proposal for the PI Science Queue
This is the combined queue used for all JCMT PI proposals other than University of Hawaii projects.
This queue is available for Principal Investigators (PIs) with one of the following affiliations:
- Argentina
- Brazil
- EAO Staff (Hilo, Hawaii)
- India
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- UK & Ireland (listed institution)
- Vietnam
Please see the eligibility requirements page for more complete information.
Other (non-PI) members of the proposal can use the special affiliation “Other” if none of the above affiliations apply.