Previous Proposals
This section of the proposal asks for information about proposals which you have previously had accepted.
Please enter the proposal identifiers of your previous proposals in the column at the left. You can use the “Add previous proposal” button to add as many rows to the table as necessary. If your current proposal is a continuation of one of your previous proposals, you can indicate this by ticking the “Continuation?” box.
Finally the “Publications” column gives you the opportunity to list up to six publications related to each of your previous proposals. You can either enter the reference manually, leaving the type selection set to the default — “Text description” — or you can enter a DOI or an arXiv or ADS code by changing the type selection to the appropriate type and entering the publication’s code in the box. The system will attempt to look up references entered as codes after you save the list. There may be a delay while this happens, during which you may continue working on your proposal as normal.