Target Availability


A target list can be uploaded as a plain text file with the following space or comma-separated columns. Note that these separators must be used consistently — please do not mix spaces and commas as column separators or insert multiple separators between columns.

  • Target name.
  • RA / longitude.
  • Declination / latitude.
  • Coordinate system (“ICRS” or “Galactic”).
  • Optional: Observing time (in hours)
  • Optional: Priority from 1 (highest) to 100 (lowest).
  • Optional: Notes.

For example:

IC1234 16:52:51 56:52:40 ICRS 4.5 1
LDN123 3.75 -3.43 Galactic
M99 184.70833 14.41639 ICRS 9.9
  1. Target Information
  2. Observing Information